Please read carefully. We like happy clients!
By hiring or contracting work, and/or placing a deposit, and/or making payment of any kind with Brochure Builders you are in agreement of and in contractual obligation to the TERMS and CONDITIONS herein and posted at And, IN ADDITION, agree to the Payment Policy stated herein on By placing a deposit to begin work on any project or any project whereas Brochure Builders is hired to design and/or print any work, you have entered into a contractual agreement subject and in agreement to the Terms and Conditions and the Payment Policy posted herein Please download a copy of the Terms and Conditions and Payment Policy for your records.
A digital proof is provided to ensure the accuracy of your order. Ultimately you are fully responsible for proofreading your design. Your approval is needed on the design, spelling, colors, quantity, and size. Brochure Builders is not responsible for any errors (typos, misspellings etc.) discovered in the printed product that were derived from and represented in the proof you approved. Approval can be made and is accepted through our online proofing program or by email.
We cannot guarantee any project to arrive by a specified date because of factors outside of our control, such as lead-time on the press. We offer a target date and do our best to comply with it. If you pay extra for expedited print times or faster shipping, Brochure Builders is still not held responsible or liable in anyway, be it cost or otherwise, if your project does not arrive by the desired date. Any extra money paid for expediting the printing or faster shipping is NOT refundable as it is paid to third parties, no longer falling under the responsibility of Brochure Builders. Printed Products are shipped UPS or Federal Express. We closely monitor your project from start to finish and keep you updated on your project’s status. All orders must be shipped to a physical address and not to post office boxes.
If for any reason you wish to cancel (or postpone) your project after you have placed your deposit but before we have produced any proof concepts, or after we have provided any proof concept(s), or after we have provided any proof design concept(s) and before we have completed any revisions, or after we have completed any proof concept(s) and completed any revision(s) on your design, or if we have done any administration, design development or collaboration and revisions on your project or design in any manner, we will bill you $75 per hour for work completed, if any, from the time of your deposit to the time of your request cancellation that your deposit does not cover; your initial deposit will be applied to that balance. You will be invoiced for any overage that your deposit does not cover. If the amount due is less than your initial deposit then you will receive a refund by check to be issued and mailed within 7 days from request of project cancellation. PLEASE NOTE: There is a minimum of a $75 administration fee deducted from any refund. NOTE: Orders cannot be cancelled after your project/design concept(s) is approved for print and/or in print production.
All artwork and designs created are artistic creations and are the property of Brochure Builders. Client agrees and understands that we may use any design in any stage for use in our portfolio to present to other clients and prospects. Brochure Builders will never share sensitive information with anyone.
If client needs the native file above and beyond provided print ready files and web files, Each file costs $250. The file will be saved in the native format in which the design was created.
Should you find errors that are not represented on the proof that you “approved” please contact Brochure Builders immediately. If your shipment was damaged in anyway during shipping please contact Brochure Builders immediately. Do not use any of the product and we will work diligently to correct the situation in the fastest manner possible. We may require that you mail us a few samples of the final product. This is often the best way for us to determine what may have caused the error and help us provide the best solution so that it doesn’t happen again. NOTE: Brochure Builders is not liable for any errors (misspellings, typos, misprints, etc.) in your printed piece that were represented on the proof you approved to print. Client assumes all responsibility to proofread and correct errors before approving for print or delivery of any approved files.
All printing is done with a CMYK process. We do not match exact spot/PMS colors. CMYK is a standard professional printing process that combines four inks to create other colors. We do not reprint items with minor to moderate color variations from the proof you view on our proofing system and/or any proof you printed. Color matching is done to the best of our ability, but it is impossible to perfectly match digital proofs with paper printing. All proofs are understood to be close representations of the printed product, and will inevitably have a certain degree of deviation from a monitor’s display.
We require an initial deposit of 50% of your total cost to begin work. Your deposit is applied to your total balance. Once you make a deposit payment you are entering contractual agreement to the Terms and Conditions stated here within this website, in addition to the Payment Policy stated within this website.
To save you money, we prepay for all printing. This simple, one-time payment allows our presses to keep their prices low and we pass those savings on to you. Once you approve any project for printing, payment of your total balance is due before we can put your project into print production or delivery of any design files, native files, pdfs, or website files. Once a final payment is made by the client. The job is then printed and shipped to the address listed on the clients invoice or quote.
Brochure Builders ships to the address(es) listed on client’s quote or invoice. Brochure Builders is not responsible for any shipment or liable in any shipping cost not designated on the client invoice. By paying a deposit, or any payment, the client assumes the responsibility of receiving the shipment at the address(es) designated on the client’s quote or invoice. Brochure Builders will not reprint or reship or reroute any shipments to another address after the shipment had been made from the print facility.